“Consultation With Science and Information Technology Department“
- The Science and Information Technology Department shall be consulted by the Administrative/ Attached Departments, District Administration and Autonomous Bodies:
- Whenever ant IT Intervention is required by the Government.
- before submission of their such scheme/Project/work for the consideration of PDWP/DSC.
- The Science and IT Department shall examine the IT related proposal on the following grounds:-
- whether the scheme/project/work is duplication/replication of an existing project/work;
- whether the cost-cutting can be made by making use of an already available resource in the provincial or federal governments; and
- whether there can be any integration/synchronization problems posed by proposal at a later stage.
- In Case of any difference in the opinion and point of view S&IT department and the proposing department, the decision of Additional Chief Secretary (Dev) shall be final
Other Functions/Responsibilities:
- To promote Science & Information Technology.
- To implement programs under national Science and Information Technology policies as well as to devise and implement provincial Science and Information Technology policies/plans
- To support/facilitate computerization, automation, and re-engineering of Provincial Government business processes leading to e-Government for continuous improvement in the state of efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in service delivery and decision making
- To promote Research and Development in all fields of Science & Information Technology and recognition of research and development achievements through awards and prizes.
- To develop and optimally utilize human resource in the fields of Science and Information Technology.
- To coordinate with the Provincial Government departments to ensure that the contents on official website stay current.
- To develop technology standards, testing, and quality assurance systems including pre-qualifying firms that provide the services of Science and Information Technology consultancy, research, development, and products to the Government.
- Registration and monitoring of those private sector Science and Information Technology institutes which do not come in the purview of the Education Department.
- All Service matters of the employees of the Attached Departments, which does not include employees of the Secretariat and except those matters entrusted to the Services and General Administration Department or to any other Department whenever any IT intervention is required by the Government before submission of their such scheme/project/work for the consideration of PDWP/DSC.